Today my boys are cracking me up. Here are a few examples.
David spilled Isaac's pellets for his gun. He yelled, "Holy crack monkeys!" as they bounced all over the floor. I am pretty sure I have never called anyone a crack monkey. At least not my children. When they could hear me. Just kidding. I have said they are like monkeys.
Faith needed a flashlight, and Isaac, scary enough, always knows where everything is stashed, like flashlights, matches, tape, all the fun stuff. We sent him for a flashlight. He can back with a flashlight with a whistle attached. Faith asked him if it worked, so he blew the whistle and said, "It sure does!"
Isaac's chores were emptying the trash cans and cleaning his room. I asked him to carry his laundry up and he said he was all chored out for the moment, he would do it as soon as he had a refreshing glass of water.
Faith gave David a fluffy bunny that squeaks when it is squeezed. He named it Squeaky McSqueaker Pants. It is now friends with Squeezy the Camel.
Faith was not happy to be washing the dishes. Isaac said, "You better stop complaining before it gets any worse around here."
Those are just a few of the crazy things going on here today!

Saturday, April 21, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Beyond the Limits of Reality
It is no surprise to many, most, of you that I have a child, our Faith, who has Asperger's Syndrome, which is on the Autism Spectrum. This is something that effects our daily lives in so many ways. Lights are loud. Clothing makes her skin crawl. Pencils can hurt her fingers. Emotions are high, or seemingly not there. Reactions can turn into overreactions quickly, suddenly.
There are also the positive sides. She sees everything in a different way, from a different perspective, which, when she shares it with us, adds depth and richness to our lives. She has abundant energy, and a very active, creative imagination. She is not seemingly limited to reality, to the boundaries of time and space as she dreams impossible dreams, creates, imagines.
Today at lunch the kids were playing Rhyme Time, which is a rhyming game where one says a word and the others name rhymes. David started.
Faith went next.
"Spoon" (The three year old can only get so many correct.)
Angel, smirking, took her turn.
Silence, then Isaac bursts out with "Nothing rhymes with orange!"
Faith chimed in, "That's not true! I can think of a dozen words that rhyme with orange!"
Angel asked, "Real words, with meanings?"
"Sure," replied Faith.
"In English?" asked Angel.
"Well, if you have to place those kinds of limits on it, then no," replied Faith.
And now, for the past half hour we have heard nothing but words that rhyme with orange. And what they could possibly mean. In a made up language. That she alone hears and understands. For a world she alone sees. One that is not limited to the plausible, but to the possible, even the impossible. On most days, despite our struggles, I wish for a glimpse. Just tiny peek into that world. Surely it is amazing, beautiful, beyond description, full of wonder. A world that pushes, even bends, the limits of reality.
"It seems to me there's so much more to the world than the average eye is allowed to see. I believe, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could ever have dreamt of. "
~ Vincent
"I've seen many things, my friend. But you're right. Nothing's quite as wonderful as the things you see." ~ The Doctor
There are also the positive sides. She sees everything in a different way, from a different perspective, which, when she shares it with us, adds depth and richness to our lives. She has abundant energy, and a very active, creative imagination. She is not seemingly limited to reality, to the boundaries of time and space as she dreams impossible dreams, creates, imagines.
Today at lunch the kids were playing Rhyme Time, which is a rhyming game where one says a word and the others name rhymes. David started.
Faith went next.
"Spoon" (The three year old can only get so many correct.)
Angel, smirking, took her turn.
Silence, then Isaac bursts out with "Nothing rhymes with orange!"
Faith chimed in, "That's not true! I can think of a dozen words that rhyme with orange!"
Angel asked, "Real words, with meanings?"
"Sure," replied Faith.
"In English?" asked Angel.
"Well, if you have to place those kinds of limits on it, then no," replied Faith.
And now, for the past half hour we have heard nothing but words that rhyme with orange. And what they could possibly mean. In a made up language. That she alone hears and understands. For a world she alone sees. One that is not limited to the plausible, but to the possible, even the impossible. On most days, despite our struggles, I wish for a glimpse. Just tiny peek into that world. Surely it is amazing, beautiful, beyond description, full of wonder. A world that pushes, even bends, the limits of reality.
"It seems to me there's so much more to the world than the average eye is allowed to see. I believe, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could ever have dreamt of. "
~ Vincent
"I've seen many things, my friend. But you're right. Nothing's quite as wonderful as the things you see." ~ The Doctor
Monday, April 16, 2012
Are ALL these children yours??
Yesterday was a lovely day. All the kids, plus an niece, had a great time playing outside. But, the kids had some money just burning a hole in their little pockets and really wanted to go to the candy store. We put the preschoolers in strollers and walked to the candy store for some snacks and a nice, cold drink. A pregnant lady pushing a stroller, a preteen pushing another stroller, and two school aged children walking. They kids were all given a limit in the store and bartered with each other, traded parts of snacks, and decided to share some things to squeak in under the budget. We were there for quite a while.
As we walked up to pay, each child paying and getting things bagged up individually, there was a lady in line behind us. She waited quite a while to make her small purchase as my children counted out pennies and traded coins. I offered to let her go first, but when all my children stepped out of the way she told us to go ahead. We left the store, and began to get everyone settled with snacks, drinks, and in the strollers for the short walk home. And then it happened. The lady came out of the store and asked me the question I always hate.
"Are all these children yours?"
I try to instruct my children to be kind, so I often have to stifle the snide answers that I can think in an effort to practice what I preach. All the little eyes turned to me. I sighed internally, smiled, and said, "Only four of them. One is my niece."
She patted my belly, which I usually hate, looked into my eyes and smiled. "God bless you and your lovely family. Cherish these days. They go by so fast." And then she walked away.
My eyes teared up. I am so used to defending our 'large' family to everyone that starts the conversation in such a manner. I get frustrated with others because I do not think that we are a large family, there are only four children. To me large is more like eight, ten children. Which also sounds fine to me. Also, Any frazzled mother who is doing their very best for their children can tell you that a negative comment in the middle of the day seems so judgemental, and stacked up the comments begin to crush your spirit.
Yet her kind eyes and sweet comment refreshed me much more than my cold drink ever could. I do cherish everyday. I already see it slipping away too fast. Walking through the grocery store and seeing a couple of children whining for something to their haggard mother I smile. Seeing people lining up their children to fill their plates at family parties and church events, again, I smile wistfully. Sure, I still have a preschooler and will soon have another baby. But the older three are more independent, can take care of themselves, and a part of me longingly remembers three pairs of tiny hands hanging on my shirt as we go to the buffet, cross the street, or walk into church. And now I seen them skipping ahead, texting friends, laughing and talking with each other, and I squeeze David's hand gently, holding on tightly while I still can, while he still wants me too. .
My biggest fear is that when I am behind a family with children counting out pennies I will wish that I took the time. Time for watching clouds, catching bugs, painting nails, building forts, developing the relationship that will encourage them to call me everyday, count me among their friends, bring me grandchildren to play with. So many other things, worthy things, pull at me for my time, time I only have so much of. And I have none to spare. Not if I want to look back and smile, knowing that each day was full of laughter, love, and joy because I choose to spend my time wisely. And I don't want to miss a minute.
As we walked up to pay, each child paying and getting things bagged up individually, there was a lady in line behind us. She waited quite a while to make her small purchase as my children counted out pennies and traded coins. I offered to let her go first, but when all my children stepped out of the way she told us to go ahead. We left the store, and began to get everyone settled with snacks, drinks, and in the strollers for the short walk home. And then it happened. The lady came out of the store and asked me the question I always hate.
"Are all these children yours?"
I try to instruct my children to be kind, so I often have to stifle the snide answers that I can think in an effort to practice what I preach. All the little eyes turned to me. I sighed internally, smiled, and said, "Only four of them. One is my niece."
She patted my belly, which I usually hate, looked into my eyes and smiled. "God bless you and your lovely family. Cherish these days. They go by so fast." And then she walked away.
My eyes teared up. I am so used to defending our 'large' family to everyone that starts the conversation in such a manner. I get frustrated with others because I do not think that we are a large family, there are only four children. To me large is more like eight, ten children. Which also sounds fine to me. Also, Any frazzled mother who is doing their very best for their children can tell you that a negative comment in the middle of the day seems so judgemental, and stacked up the comments begin to crush your spirit.
Yet her kind eyes and sweet comment refreshed me much more than my cold drink ever could. I do cherish everyday. I already see it slipping away too fast. Walking through the grocery store and seeing a couple of children whining for something to their haggard mother I smile. Seeing people lining up their children to fill their plates at family parties and church events, again, I smile wistfully. Sure, I still have a preschooler and will soon have another baby. But the older three are more independent, can take care of themselves, and a part of me longingly remembers three pairs of tiny hands hanging on my shirt as we go to the buffet, cross the street, or walk into church. And now I seen them skipping ahead, texting friends, laughing and talking with each other, and I squeeze David's hand gently, holding on tightly while I still can, while he still wants me too. .
My biggest fear is that when I am behind a family with children counting out pennies I will wish that I took the time. Time for watching clouds, catching bugs, painting nails, building forts, developing the relationship that will encourage them to call me everyday, count me among their friends, bring me grandchildren to play with. So many other things, worthy things, pull at me for my time, time I only have so much of. And I have none to spare. Not if I want to look back and smile, knowing that each day was full of laughter, love, and joy because I choose to spend my time wisely. And I don't want to miss a minute.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
It's a...
Yesterday we went to the doctor. All of us. It was my ultrasound appointment. Andy took off the day to take us all. We all needed the reassurance of seeing our sweet baby, knowing that everything was going to be fine. And we were all dying to know if we were getting a little boy or girl.
The ultrasound tech said boy, and the boys were quite happy. Isaac was grinning ear to ear. David gave a "YES". The girls were less excited. Angel said it did not matter to her, she wanted a girl, but really is excited that there will be another baby. Faith had the best reaction. She waited until everyone else left the room. It was just me and her. She looked at me and said: "I wanted a girl. But it is a boy. That must be God's plan. I know boys are here for a purpose, but I just don't know what that is yet."
We are going to prepare for another boy. Praying for a healthy baby, a safe delivery, and many wonderful years!
The ultrasound tech said boy, and the boys were quite happy. Isaac was grinning ear to ear. David gave a "YES". The girls were less excited. Angel said it did not matter to her, she wanted a girl, but really is excited that there will be another baby. Faith had the best reaction. She waited until everyone else left the room. It was just me and her. She looked at me and said: "I wanted a girl. But it is a boy. That must be God's plan. I know boys are here for a purpose, but I just don't know what that is yet."
We are going to prepare for another boy. Praying for a healthy baby, a safe delivery, and many wonderful years!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Blessed Be Your Name
This school year has been very hard on our family. We have suffered loss, had problems that we have not had to face in quite a while, are behind in school, and are trying to take it one day at a time. I am consistently amazed that just when we need some encouragement, it is there. This song has been in my head for a while, well, that and "Da Lime in Da Coconut" thanks to my father in law.
This song reminds me that every moment of every day I have a choice. I can choose to fall into despair, or I can choose to look beyond myself, my circumstances, and simply find peace in through my Savior. We have spent a good amount of time recently in the desert place, the wilderness, on a road marked with suffering, surrounded by dark clouds, yet today I choose to praise God. For God is always good, no matter where I am. And yes, there is pain in the offering of this praise at times, but still I will choose to say blessed be Your name, Lord.
Blessed Be Your Name
Matt Redman
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
This song reminds me that every moment of every day I have a choice. I can choose to fall into despair, or I can choose to look beyond myself, my circumstances, and simply find peace in through my Savior. We have spent a good amount of time recently in the desert place, the wilderness, on a road marked with suffering, surrounded by dark clouds, yet today I choose to praise God. For God is always good, no matter where I am. And yes, there is pain in the offering of this praise at times, but still I will choose to say blessed be Your name, Lord.
Blessed Be Your Name
Matt Redman
Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name
Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name
You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, blessed be Your name
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