Friday, July 7, 2017

It's Been a While

For a very long time writing this blog was a life line for me.  Through homeschooling, small children, diagnoses, job changes, loss, and a growing family, this blog connected me to the outside world in a way that nothing else could.
Then, slowly, and a little bit at a time, those small children became big kids.  Then teens.  The amount of sharing I was doing seemed to possibly invade their privacy a little. Or, at times, a lot.
And then busyness of life changed.  New jobs.  New home.  New struggles.
It was hard to get back into blogging because I was not sure how much to share.  How to share. What to share.
And my journey took me far.  I no longer needed a blog to connect me to life outside of our family.  I now no longer needed a way to process and share the events of our days.
At one time I wrote from a place of desperation.  Of loneliness.  Of feeling lost.  It may not have seemed like it in my writing, but that was why I was writing.
Some many things have changed in so many ways.  And so many things that remained the same.
Now, I am realizing that as much as I needed to write before, that need is still there.  It just comes from a different source.
So, I will pick up writing.  My focus is still the journey of our family.  I never set out to write a homeschooling blog, but we home school.  I never set out to write a blog about autism, but we have two precious children on the spectrum.  I never set out to write about raising children because I have no answers there, but that is our life right now.  I never set out to write about marriage, but have been married for about half my life.  I never set out to write about specific struggles, but we face them daily.
I am setting out to share what life is like for us.  Our struggles.  Our triumphs.  Our tears.  Our joy.

My name is Jennifer.  I am Christian.  A wife.  A mother of five beautiful children on this earth and one in heaven.  We home school.  We cyber school.  We have children with special needs.  I live with anxiety and depression.  I work at a job I love.
We laugh.  We cry.  We love.  We live.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blogs. I have met you once but I don't know you except through mutual friends and your blogs.
