Top Ten crazy things Isaac did yesterday……
10. Wore clothes under his jammies to sleep so he was ready for today.
9. Ate a Koolaid fizzer just to see if it would fizz in his stomach. Couldn’t feel it if it did.
8. Climbed the handrail on the porch to try and jump over the fire pit. He made it.
7. Pushed the wood swing as hard as he could at the bush to see what would happen. It bounced back and hit him in the face.
6. Ate the Cheerios he found under the couch. He knew they were his, couldn’t remember from when.
5. Asked to do extra math. Still not sure why.
4. Used string to make a zipline inside from a nail on the top of the doorway to a plastic bin of toys. He fell. The toys fell. He was totally suprised that happened. He had to clean it up.
3. Used the same string to make a zipline from the same nail to the top of the rocking chair. About the same effect as above. Still suprised.
2. Flipped over the bacon grease onto the floor while looking for a "sleeping permit" for me. Which I do not really have. ( I had said "If only you would permit me to get a little sleep"…) Cleaned it up with Angel and Faith’s hoodies.
1. After all of the above, he had to wear his floaties in the tub because he was afraid to drown. In a few inches of David’s bath water.
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