All of these years we have had the same, shall we say, interesting situations occur in and around our home, and other places we frequent. I have been thinking that these oddities are a side effect of our homeschooling adventure. In the past few months I am beginning to question this hypothesis. I now think I should blame the parents in this particular household. Not to point any fingers, but I am leaning to the male parental unit as the instigator in many cases.
For your reading pleasure, here are the top oddities that are NOT the result of homeschooling, but of parenting. You may feel free to infer which are my husband and which are myself. I am hoping at least one is very easy to decipher. Sadly, it is not #9.
14. When looking for my son we look on the ceiling.
13. We have all gone in public in costume. Not at Halloween.
12. We all have a written list of our superpowers.
11. At the first snowfall the children built a ziggurat instead of a snowman. They used empty containers ranging in size between a trash can and a bowl, which has never returned.
10. At a Christmas party my eldest daughter organized the children into a circle for circle time. Then had a game for them to play. She did not have a craft prepared, but she later said she thought of one after time to open presents but no one was interested.
9. My toddler sings his name. And whatever he happens to be doing. For instance: "David. Farting. DAV-ID. is FART-ING. DAVIDISFARTING!!!!!" Repeatedly.
8. When told we were going to have a healthy snack my children all said: "Alright! Ice Cream!!!"
7. When in public my children line up and follow me like little ducks. With quacking included.
6. There was a fake mustache stuck to the steering wheel of my van for weeks. It relocated to the dashboard, then disappeared.
5. We have at least 6 rubber chickens in a variety of sizes. They have names. And only one is a performing chicken.
4. The mustache was later found frozen to the driveway.
3. Science is everywhere, from the grass growing in the bathroom sink to the mushrooms growing in the basement. However, I can not grow a houseplant on purpose to save my life.
2. My family frequently bursts into song and dance. Even in public.
1. For Christmas my daughter asked for a dragon and a Barbie. She got both, and an attack bat, which is her favorite.
***Some say ODD, but I like to say FUN!!***
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