I know that there are many people who seem to live their private lives a little loud on the Internet. And often times I wonder if some gush over each other online because they do not do it in person. I have mostly shied away from declarations of my undying love for my husband because, well, because I do not want to be all gross and mushy. However, I have also noticed many other little things, jokes, but not really jokes, about husbands. Or men in general. And even when they may give me a chuckle at times, I can not help but wonder if we spend too much time joking and not enough building up the men in our lives. So many people do not have an involved husband, a present father, a male role model. And when we see those jokes about how guys are,well, it makes me think that maybe that is why. Because we joke and tease, but underneath that is a festering disagreement over who is better, men or women. And that is not encouraging to anyone, respectful to anyone, most of all those men who give up so much to care for their families. So, I want to pay a little tribute to the man in our house, the love of my life, my best friend, the father of my children. I want him, and you, and guys everywhere to know they are appreciated, loved, and respected. I may even gush a little, but it does come from my heart.
And so, here are the top ten reasons that my husband is the best. Maybe even the best ever. Each of these is a reason that I love my husband more today than the day we got married.
10. He cares about what is important to us. Example, the night that our power went out for seven hours overnight, in January, in Pennsylvania, he did everything he could to keep us all warm. He even saw Faith's concern about her gecko, and knowing that it would freeze in the house without heat, he put it in a small container and tucked it in his sleeping bag. All night long.
9. He provides for us. He works hard to provide all that we need. He is willing to do what he needs to so that I can stay home and care for and educate our children. And at times it is hard. At times he works more than he should have to, days on end. And at more than one job at a time. But we always have what we need. And a lot of what we want. Even when he chooses to go without.
8. He helps us because he wants to. He will work all day, and yet stand at the sink washing dishes with me at night. Or fixing supper. To be with me. Or coaching soccer, teaching Sunday School, getting to know the kid's friends. Taking hikes, bike rides, and doing "man crafts". Helping to dress Barbies, sitting down for tea, or knowing the lyrics to Selena Gomez. He is involved in everything he can be with each of us.
7. Every Saturday morning he wakes me up with coffee. Sometimes it is earlier than I would like, but it is to spend time with me.
6. I never have to carry a laundry basket. Or a sleeping child. And I have never had to carry a vacuum to a different floor of our house. He carries it, and then runs it for me. We live in a house with three flights of steps. I have never vacuumed those either. He does it before I can.
5. No matter how I look, how I feel, or how I am acting, I know that when he looks into my eyes and says that I am beautiful that he means it. From the bottom of his heart. And then I feel beautiful because he believes it and the look in his eyes when he says it tells me why.
4. I have been watching his magic and juggling show for almost 15 years. And he still dazzles me every time he is performing. Even when I have seen it for about a thousand times. Or know the secret. It is still magic.
3. He includes our children. He patiently explains things he is fixing. From painting the dining room to fixing the washing machine they are right there beside him. And not just the boys. He shows our girls how to fix stuff as well. He teaches them tricks to be in shows. He gives them little jobs so that Firefly is our family ministry, not just his show. And the pride in their eyes shows that they love to be included.
2. He can fix anything. If he does not know how to fix something, he learns how. From vacuums, to washing machines. From hot water heaters to cars. He keeps it going. And he is not afraid to call his dad for some guidance.
1. He lives his faith. He is exactly the same man at home as in public. He is the real deal. Praying with and for us, explaining Scriptures, telling stories to illustrate the right way to live, encouraging the children to not follow him, but to follow his Father. But I am confident that if they follow him, they will be following Jesus.
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