1. Two three year olds is a lot of three year olds.
2. At 8 months pregnant, every thing is twice as hard as it should be. At camp everything is twice as hard as it should be. That means that 8 months pregnant at camp is ten times harder than it should be. Just trust me on the math.
3. Eleven days is a long time to go camping. A V-E-R-Y long time to go camping.
4. A pregnant woman can drink 5 to 6 bottles of water and still be dehydrated in 95 degree heat. And our family really can not go camping without a trip to the ER.
5. A little dirt does not hurt.
6. Five kids at camp will all want to do something at the same time. About eight different somethings.
7. Ice cream is expensive, yet a good moisturizer.
8. One should never take five kids camping for finals week.
9. Chopping wood is not a pregnant woman activity. Or carrying wood. Or carrying water.
10. Little boys can scream like little girls when attacked by flies.
11. Sometimes sticky kisses and smiling faces are the only thanks I need. Chocolate is also appreciated.
12. Craft sticks are the best kid friendly item to take to camp.
13. Never let your kids make friends with the bait.
14. The sleeping limit on a camper is only a suggestion.
15. You are never too old to lay under the stars, catch fireflies, eat a smore, or swing in a hammock.
16. Playing pranks on the girl's bathroom is not only a little boy activity.
17. Rocks, sticks, and inch works can fill an afternoon with delight.
18. You can never have too many bubbles. Or ice cream. Or flashlights. Or salamanders.
19. There is no way to put the experience into pictures.
20. There is a reason that we camp once a year.
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