This were going well around here. School getting done in a reasonable amount of time. An *almost* clean house. I was keeping up with the laundry as well as could be expected with this crew. Waking up with Andy was doing wonders for all of us. Then they started this sickness we couldn’t shake. For three weeks there was someone sick. Daily doctors visits. David in the hospital for a couple of days. Laundry piled up. School work went undone. The house got messier because I was using all my spare time to sleep. Then came Easter. Which meant more time off school, a busy schedule, candy fueled kids, and for some reason a messier house as we played the catch up game at school. How we can all be doing school for a few hours and the house is instantly a huge mess I am not sure. And we are starting to dig our way out from under the mess, the dirty laundry, the mountian of unfinsihed school projects and forgotten school work. So I am back to blogging!
We decided to hustle our school work along and have already finished science. We were so close and it feels sooo good to have something done. On to history. We will finish that in a few weeks, and have the last few weeks of bookwork include only math and language arts. What a joy to have more time to play outside! And with the sunshining we are looking forward to playground days and trips to the lake to go fishing. Camping out in the backyard and long hikes in the woods at Grandma’s house. Ahhh, summer is on it’s way!
And speaking of summer, and odd thing has happened here. Isaac has begun to wear clothing. Oddly enough after an entire winter of seeing him in shorts and no shirt he has decided to usher in the warmer weather with long pants and a long sleeved shirt. All black. With green frog rainboots and a black cowboy hat. And a light saber. He calls himself the space cowboy. Even moment of his free time he and Faith are building an obstacle course in the back yard for their spaceship. To practice flying. So when they fly in outer space they can easliy avoid meteorites, other spaceships, and missiles. All while screaming YeeeHaaa!! And Faith, of course, has been wearing brown pants, an inside out off white shirt (it was white but we are going on day 3), and a long flowing brown hooded robe. The customary outfit of any Jedi in training.
Angel has been spending here time with a book. She curls up all over the house or yard, which ever is Faith and Isaac free, and reads. And has an apple. Or chocolate. If it is not her book, it is her DS. And David loves her DS because she has Nintendogs. He follows her around barking at her no matter which game she is playing. To him, all dogs are Max. So he calls her puppy Max. Her puppy’s name is Daisey. And he pets the DS. And barks at it. Even when it is turned off.
Now that he is over being sick, he has been running all over the house terrorizing everyone and everything. He took a toy from Isaac and ran from him. As Isaac caught up to him, David threw himself to the floor and played dead. Very dramaticaly. Have no idea where he gets that. Yesterday he began talking more. Well, that’s not accurate. He was talking a whole lot, but yesterday he finally settled on the English language a little more as opposed to the Klingon-Chinese blend, neither language being one that I am fluent in. He said BE-MAN-NUM-A. In a loud and strangly deep voice. It sounding like he was trying to mind control me, and what with his sister being a Jedi, that seems likely.) Repeatedly until we gave him a bemannuma. Which he rubbed on Isaac’s head before eating. Isaac didn’t seem to mind beacuse, as he said, he does use apple shampoo, and banana and apple make a good kabob. David has also said cheese (chee), Cheerio (cheerio), cracker (crackie), chocolate (chocky), and numanum (any food). He can also say our names, night night (ni-ni), I love you ( i lalala eww), bye (bye-bye-bye-bye-bye) and duck. I think he means duck. He might mean bath. Ohh, and NO. He uses that one a lot. As a filler or some sort of vocal coverall . It goes nicely with everything at 15 months. (Notice a vocal pattern here? He likes food.)
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