After all, it is August. About time to head back to school. I see it everywhere. Ads for clothes, new shoes, or school supplies. Winding down of summer activities. Emails from yahoo groups about lesson plans and curriculum. And as always, I begin to think about endings and new beginnings. Changes and areas we have grown, or need to grow a little more.
I have a preteen. She will be ten, but Angel has been claiming preteen status since about two years old. She is the one who most reminds me of me. Oh, I see bits of me in the others, but this one is me at nine and me now. I have been having a hard time watching her over this past year because I compare her to myself at that age and around nine is when my life started to unravel and I began to head for self destruction. I see that she is more interested in competing with boys than liking them, and I rejoice. I was not like that. I see how her heart is set on following God, and I am overjoyed. I did not even know Him. I see how helpful she is around the house and how bossy that makes her with her sister and brothers, and I laugh, because I was the same way. I see how she can stomp her feet and whine. And I see myself, and cringe. But overall I am so very glad she is different in the most important way- she already knows the love of her Savior. And that is all she needs. (But I still like to see her race boys and win. Also me…)
And I have a sweet eight year old how has all of a sudden become more grown up! She used to hide when it was time to clean up her toys. Or just shove everything under the bed. She used to scream and hit when she was mad. Here is a familiar conversation in my house. It has been this way ever since they could talk.
Angel: You are supposed to be helping me clean up our toys! Get out of the closet! You clean these up or I will tell Mommy to just take them to Good William (a blog all its own!)
Faith: That’s OK, I’d rather buy new ones than pick these up! I am staying in here!!
Just yesterday I heard this same conversation. But now it was between Faith and Isaac. And boy, did she get frustrated!! But I had to laugh, because it was not soo very long ago that it was her hiding in the closet. He hid in the love seat instead. She has been doing much better in school and I have not found her under a table screaming during church for months. All good signs!!
Isaac, oh, Isaac, where to begin. Every step of growing up has been hard for Isaac. He always wants to stay the same size. He will be six next month. He wants the party and cake and presents, but he wants to stay five. Forever. Mostly I want that too, little man. I would like if you stopped walking around the house in your sleep, though. And if you have to climb the walls, make sure your feet are clean. I have a hard time reaching those dirty footprints!! He is our hero, our warrior, and that will never change!
David is growing in leaps and bounds as toddler tend to do. He talks all the time. Even if we don’t understand him, or no one is around. And he sings! Any music is fine for him. He also likes to hold the guitar and strum. None of my other children have strummed, they usually plucked. He dances too. Just last night at bedtime I told Isaac to get his Bible for devotions. David said: Where David’s Bible? I handed him a toddler Bible and he looked at every page, talking to and about everything, then asked me to read David’s Bible too. We prayed and he said: Thank God for food. (Not timely, but I cried anyway.) Then he said Amen and lalulala, which we assume means hallelujah. He is super sweet, and yet all boy. The other day at the fire station he about had a heart attack over sitting in the fire truck. He still talks about it. And two days ago, he tried to climb the pipes.
Overall, I am so proud of the progress we have all made. But, this post is big enough for now, so I will talk about Andy and I on a different day.
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