And it certainly has been real. Real change. Real hard. Real fun. Real scary. Real time of trust. Pick one, it has been them all. August started out with Andy working his tail off for very little money and never being home to see our children. He was not happy with his job. He has had a desire to be in ministry. The entertaining he was doing in his “spare” time was the most fulfilling job he was doing. And so now it is the only job he is doing.
It takes a while to build a business. He has been home for a few weeks now, but the first few were still busy. Now we are in the time of building contacts, drumming up business, and waiting. Lots and lots of waiting. We have known for awhile that this was his calling, what he was meant to do. The time was never right. We were too afraid to take the step, thinking it would be a free fall. And it has.
There are people who like that feeling. I am not one of them. I like stability. I used to take risks, and big ones, without thought. Now I cannot bring myself to take risks. I see the responsibilities- the house, the van payment, the kids, the bills. These things are overwhelming in the light of the risks. This has been a HUGE risk, but I have had an incredible measure of peace. God has meet and at times surpassed every need. Sure it has only been a few weeks, but his pay was not so great before that, and we had things that were behind. And things that were really behind. We caught up. We even did some fun things with the kids. We got them the things they need. I got my laptop.
Andy is home everyday. In the past we would have been driving each other crazy by now. This is different. I love having him here, and so do the kids. We get him to help out with some of the school extras, taking hikes, woodworking, soccer practice and games. He has been here to help with David as I cook, or to take the kid outside so I can clean up. I have stayed up late to design websites, business cards, fliers, and all that jazz. We have worked together. Most of the day he is busy with contacting people to get his name out there and has gotten a few shows that way.
So please be in prayer for us. For the business we need. For us as a family. For Andy and I as a couple. Please pray that we can be the light in this world we have been called to be while doing what we love. And know that as you pray, we are rejoicing in you as our friends, and in God as the supplier of all our needs.
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