Wednesday, September 22, 2010


There are a multitude of questions I deal with on a daily basis.  Either questions I ask the kids, or the more likely and frequent questions the kids ask me.  The questions I have been asked vary.  Sometimes they are normal school questions.  Other times they are more unique and I am not sure anyone else has ever had to answer.  I have begun to see another category of questions in my life.  These questions are ones that I may ask, either out loud or internally, but do not really want the answered. So, for your reading pleasure, here are a few things today that I caught myself asking but really did not want to know.

1. What is that squishy thing I just stepped in?  (It was orange, but still, I do not care.  I just cleaned it and my foot and walked away.)

2.  What kind of liquid is on the floor by the toilet?  (One may assume the answer to this question is obvious, but you never know around here.)

3.  Why would you ever think to do that?  (Immediately following Isaac almost knocking his eye out with a rubber band. In case you are wondering, he just wanted to know how bad it would hurt.)

4.  Why is your science paper in the fridge?  ( I told her to put it in her science folder.  Which is not even in the kitchen.)

5.  What is this??  (I still do not know.  It was yucky.  It no longer lives here.)

6.  What is that smell?  (Didn’t ever hear an answer.  Lit a candle.)

7.  What were you thinking??  (This time as Isaac had wedged his head behind a bookshelf.  He wanted to see what was back there.)

8.  What were you thinking??  (Isaac got his arms and legs stuck in the crib railing.  Leg, leg, arm, arm.  All at the same time.  I should have taken a picture.  The answer- I just wanted to see if I fit.)

9.  Whatever would possess you to cover your whole body in green marker?  (Answer:  I didn’t.  Faith helped.)

10.  What did I just sit on?  (Sticky tack is a much better answer to that than silly putty or play dough.  I was luck today.)

The number one thing I learned today, besides the fact that I really don’t want to know, is that I may never understand boys, no matter how old I get

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