I am two days into my algebra class, but have done so much work by way of assessments, assignments, and reading. I have to work everyday to stay on top of my classes, and I was really afraid of this class because math of any kind if not my strong suit. I have found that I am enjoying it, however.
There are answers. Correct ones. And specific ways to get those answers. I spend so much of my time struggling in my life to find answers to daily problems, like how to have a clean house and home school. How to get my children to where they need to be. How to pay our bills with only one income. Where am I going to get clothes and a coat for David? Problems with no easy answers, maybe even no right answers. But I keep trying, keep plugging away trying to find our way through this journey.
And then comes College Algebra. With complexities, sure, but I already deal with those. With problems and variables and inequalities. Deal with those daily too. But now there are formulas to help, specific and correct answers that are achievable by even me if only I follow the specific directions. Wow. What a relief! Instead of open ended questions and never ending problems, there is one specific thing I am looking for. One right answer that is out there somewhere, I just have to get it.
And this is what used to drive me crazy about math in general. I had opinions and thoughts that did not fit a formula. I had multiple opportunities that would energize me. And you want me to settle on only one method, the search for only one answer that is not even important in my life? HA! And then I grew up. Got married. Had children. Had more children. And now those opportunities and thoughts and opinions can seem overwhelming. There are too many questions and no “right” answers or methods. And the most math I do is trying to balance my checkbook, which resembles an upside-down funnel. (Just take a second to picture that…)
I know that God is good, that He is in control, and that He loves me abundantly. I see His hand daily in our lives. I do not know the answers, and I know He does. It is simply nice to do something that there are correct answers for and that I can know them.
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