So there have been lots of status updates, emails, and posts about thankfulness. Some people are daily listing things they are thankful for, some are listing them in ABC order. I know that kind of list, a daily one, is way more follow through than I have at this point in my life, so I have hesitated to even begin. Classic case of perfectionist procrastination. So here, handily located in one very thankful, very alphabetized blog post are the things I am thankful for this year.
A- Andy, Angel, Amber, apples, alligators, and antibiotics
B- Boys that play so rough and tumble (of which I have two and many nephews- HI LUKE!!), bon bons, books, and bedtime
C- Chocolate, cookies, coffee, and chocolate coffee. The best things in life start with “C”
D- Dads, Dan, dominoes, door bells that work, Doritos, and dinosaurs
E- everything God has given me (a cop-out, I know)
F- Faith (both my daughter and the in God variety), finger foods, firefighters and friends
G- God, grandparents, grapes, glue and Gatorade
H- my home, healing, hamburgers, humor and happiness
I- Isaac, iguanas, ice cream, Italian Sweet Cram coffee creamer, and igloos (because I would love to see one)
J- Jesus, Josh, Jesse (*grin*), joy, jammies and jelly, especially strawberry
K- kids, kites on the beach, Kit Kats and kettle corn
L- lollipops, love, lights, lipstick, and language arts (just kidding!!)
M- mothers, movies, MP3 players, music, maids (on my Christmas list, by the way)and monkeys
N- Ninjas, night, new books, naps, Nintendo, and noodles
O- old friends, old comfy slippers, online school, and open doors- the figurative ones
P- Pepsi, pizza, pastors, police, pasta salad, and pie
Q- quiet (at least from what I remember of it), quilts, and quill pens
R- Raehls, roots (of people, not plants), reading, robes, and rubber bands
S- Scott, silly string, socks, snakes, and superheros
T- Theresa, tigers, teeth, and I would say Tony, but he changed his name
U- unicycles, unicorns, and uniqueness
V- vehicles that run, values, and villages
W- water, worship, and watermelon
X- x-rays and X Files
Y- yaks (the dream kind), yogurt, you tube, youth, and Yahoo groups
Z- zippers, zeros, zebras, and ziggurats
And there is a completely incomplete list of all the things I am thankful for today.
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