Friday, April 23, 2010


Yesterday we all needed to take a school break. We have been working hard and that means we were all tired and the house was a huge mess. So we decided to clean up instead of do school for a day. So we rearranged furniture. Now, rearranging furniture is not cleaning. We are not finished. And I hate to say it, but I do not think that I like the new living room look. Which is hard to say for sure because I have a loveseat in front of my fireplace, a rocking chair in my hallway, an entertainment center that is on the way out in the middle of the room, and the new to us entertainment center not fully loaded, as it were. But even after the aforementioned furniture is in place, um, not sure. Which I hate to say, mostly because the furniture is heavy and I have been dragging it with Angel’s help. She might revolt if I move one more thing. SOOOOOOoooo, what does that have to do with fun you may ask? Nothing, but it is my blog so I added that bit just for me. 
Today we are going to try something really adventurous. Any of you who ever were in my youth group for any amount of time know that this could easily lead to disaster. I, along with my brave husband, am taking my kids… (dum, dum, DUMMMMM)…Bowling!! Now, that may not sound to disastrous to you, but then you may have never seen me bowl. I do not bowl badly. I earn an EPIC FAIL (which I hear in a deep voice in surroundsound) at bowling. I get excited if I knock down A pin, let alone all of them. Which I have only ever done a grand total of ONE time. And it was totally unfair that that one time it was not counted. I mean, ANYONE can get a strike in their own lane. I got a strike in the NEXT lane, which in my estimation should have been double the points seeing that it it about twice as hard to do on purpose. Which I did not do, but that was besides the point. My ball knocked down all of the pins. Usually a good thing. With points involved. BUT NO. I had to try again. And even if those points HAD counted I would have had to do the same at least 30 times to catch up to the next worsest score. Add to that the time I threw the ball backwards, well, you get the idea.

But at least no one was ever hurt when I bowled, unlike mini-golf or volleyball. However, the time I broke that poor girl’s arm at volleyball I was not even playing, so you can hardly fault the ball for that. Come to think of it, I at mini-golf, it was not the ball either. That was totally the fault of the club thingy. And I have only ever maimed children of youth leaders. So, if you are a youth leader who is planning on taking your children bowling in PA tonight- don’t. I obviously cannot control myself in a sport that involves me moving and a ball, so you have been warned. Stay home. Or bowl at your own risk. Or more accurately at the risk of your children, so I guess that totally depends on how much you love them, or if you happen to have any spares. (Notice how I worked in that nice bowling pun…)

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