Saturday, November 6, 2010

Giving Thanks!!

So there have been lots of status updates, emails, and posts about thankfulness.  Some people are daily listing things they are thankful for, some are listing them in ABC order.  I know that kind of list, a daily one, is way more follow through than I have at this point in my life, so I have hesitated to even begin.  Classic case of perfectionist procrastination.  So here, handily located in one very thankful, very alphabetized blog post are the things I am thankful for this year.

A- Andy, Angel, Amber, apples, alligators, and antibiotics

B- Boys that play so rough and tumble (of which I have two and many nephews- HI LUKE!!), bon bons, books, and bedtime

C- Chocolate, cookies, coffee, and chocolate coffee. The best things in life start with “C”

D- Dads, Dan, dominoes, door bells that work, Doritos, and dinosaurs

E- everything God has given me (a cop-out, I know)

F- Faith (both my daughter and the in God variety), finger foods, firefighters and friends

G- God, grandparents, grapes, glue and Gatorade

H- my home, healing, hamburgers, humor and happiness

I- Isaac, iguanas, ice cream, Italian Sweet Cram coffee creamer, and igloos (because I would love to see one)

J- Jesus, Josh, Jesse (*grin*), joy, jammies and jelly, especially strawberry

K- kids, kites on the beach, Kit Kats and kettle corn

L- lollipops, love, lights, lipstick, and language arts (just kidding!!)

M- mothers, movies, MP3 players, music, maids (on my Christmas list, by the way)and monkeys

N- Ninjas, night, new books, naps, Nintendo, and noodles

O- old friends, old comfy slippers, online school, and open doors- the figurative ones

P- Pepsi, pizza, pastors, police, pasta salad, and pie

Q- quiet (at least from what I remember of it), quilts, and quill pens

R- Raehls, roots (of people, not plants), reading, robes, and rubber bands

S- Scott, silly string, socks, snakes, and superheros

T- Theresa, tigers, teeth, and I would say Tony, but he changed his name

U- unicycles, unicorns, and uniqueness

V- vehicles that run, values, and villages

W- water, worship, and watermelon

X- x-rays and X Files

Y- yaks (the dream kind), yogurt, you tube, youth, and Yahoo groups

Z- zippers, zeros, zebras, and ziggurats

And there is a completely incomplete list of all the things I am thankful for today.

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